Do you want $10,000? How about a brick -- that's 12 decks -- of playing cards? If so, check out the year-long contest being held by Orbit called Orbit's Dopest - 2023 Contest and you'll have a chance at those prizes and even more!
The short of it is, every month Orbit will select their favorite "original move" as a winner of the previous month. In other words, in February 2023 they'll pick January's winner, and so on. Once they have 12 winners for the 12 months of 2023, there will be a community vote to see which makes it to the top 3.
The final 3 cardists will have one more month to film one more move. The move with the winning votes wins the grand prize!
- Use an Orbit deck
- Use the #ORBITSDOPEST hashtag
- Upload your videos to Instagram
Each monthly winner will receive:
- 1 brick of Orbits
- $100 gift card to the Orbit store
- "Orbit's Dopest" T-Shirt
- Their move featured on all of Orbit's social media platforms, and on the homepage of Orbit World.
The top 3 will be competing for:
- 3rd Place: $1,000
- 2nd Place: $2,500
- 1st Place:
- $10,000
- Being flown out to San Francisco to hang out with the Orbit crew and get a solo video filmed at Redwall studios
I'm nowhere near being a cardistry buff, or a "cardist", or even near the level of skill to be able to say "I'm not a cardist" ironically... however, even that monthly prize is worth giving a deck a couple of flourishy cuts to try to compete!
Coincidentally, the same day I first heard about this contest I had come to the decision to start learning -- specifically practicing -- cardistry moves. In my Instagram and YouTube videos I like to show off decks in a nice and up-close fashion. Magic tricks are fine and dandy, but many decks are better featured with flourishes, and I can only do a Sybil cut so many times before people start to catch on.
I really, really don't think I'll make it anywhere near this contest. After all, they say that contestants should be submitting original moves (albeit that's not technically one of the rules). However, I have already started practicing different flourishes and in the last few days have been able to make things look like I actually know how to hold a deck of cards in my hands, so who knows, in 6 months from now maybe I'll be able to make something of my own!
Either way, my videos will get some new B-Roll footage and hopefully you will have a chance to put your cardistry skills to the test and enter the contest too.
For full up-to-date details, be sure to check out Orbit's official blog here, and keep an eye on their Instagram (@theorbitdeck) too.
The header image for this post is from Orbit's Instagram post here.