Spring Break

Today's post is going to be a short one, and a heads up that this whole week will be light on content as I'm taking off for Spring Break.

By "taking off", I mean from work, blogging, and even social media. I'm going to use the week to recharge and reconnect with the world outside of the internet!

On Friday, I posted a book review of one of my favorite books on card magic: The Card Classics of Ken Krenzel. If you're interested, check it out:

For my trip, I'll obviously bring a deck or two. I'm actually bringing regular novels to read (if I ever have down-time) instead of magic books though. You have to make sure to remember the real world too =]

Well, that's all for today folks. Hopefully the humidity in the area I'm traveling to won't hurt my decks too bad. But hey, if it does, I think I have a few extras =P

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