I don’t know about you, but I honestly cannot believe another year has gone by already! Time, this past year, has absolutely flown by.
A Look Back
If you’ve been following along here on The Babbit’s Grimoire, you’ll know that I took a several-month long break from, basically the internet. This, while not intentionally, did impact the many plans I had for this site throughout the year. The reasoning for the break also caused a slowdown in content consumption, meaning that I didn’t read a lot or watch many videos.
However, one thing that I did do is branch out from card magic a little. I haven’t really put much up on the site about that yet, but It’s coming soon. Most of that stuff is in the form of tricks or videos (or videos for the tricks that I bought), so keep an eye out for those! When and where I can, I’ll post reviews for everything on YouTube in tandem with everything here too.
Speaking of YouTube, I started my YouTube channel and posted a bunch of deck reviews, a couple of book reviews, and even a trick review or two. I talked about getting ready to do this during my previous birthday post and how it might impact the time I have to devote to the site here and wow was I right. I way underestimated how much effort is involved with filming and editing long-form video. But hey, I enjoy doing it so I’ll keep on keeping on!
For my previous birthday post, I highlighted “content statistics” for the blog. This time around, I’ll do that at the end of the year instead which will let me catch up a bit with feature additions that I’ve been working on.
Looking Forward
A lot of the section above also had elements of “looking forward,” but there’s so much more I have planned. Last year, I said I’d be cutting back a little on data entry — i.e., adding all of the info for the books and decks and everything else in my library. I’ve come to regret that decision and want to make it up by adding as much as possible this year. This has a multi-win approach for me, other than it’ll take a lot of time to do. Why’s that, you ask?
Well first, it’ll let me get closer to entering in my entire library. This is good because it provides more information and resourcing for you the reader, but also because it helps me know what books I own at a glance, and which book a specific “thing” exists in. That second point there is also great because of a tool I’m building. I don’t want to spoil to much yet, but I can tell you that it needs a good amount of data upfront.
A few features for the website that I’ve been working on on-and-off throughout the year are ready too! One that I’ll be enabling soon is “creator profiles” that will serve as mini bios for all of the awesome magic creators out there. It’s done, more or less, I just don’t have any profile information entered yet. That… will be the hard part =P
Anywho, way more to come about that and everything else I’m working on. Keep an eye out for everything because I plan for the next year of The Babbit’s Grimoire to be big!
And with that, Happy Birthday to me (^_^)