Card College - Volume 3

The Card College series by Roberto Giobbi is the definitive course for serious card magicians and is highly recommended by card professionals.
The first two volumes in the series, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, were in-depth introductions into the world of sleight of hand with cards and beginner routines. In Volume 3 we really begin diving into the more intermediate and sometimes advanced material.
This volume contains instructions on invaluable sleights such as the push-off double turnover, the one-handed top palm, the Ascanio spread, and gambler's cop. It even dives into areas such as the Vernon addition, the convincing control, the Olram subtlety, false displays and false shuffles. Many more sleights are covered, but we get a great number of tricks to go along with them. Roberto Giobbi's original ideas and refinements on these core pieces of card magic are exceptional and will leave every reader regardless of skill level with fresh ideas, techniques, and insights.
Just a glimpse at the contents below, a word-for-word copy of the Table of Contents from the book itself, can easily show how much content is jam-packed into this one. It's not to be taken in in a single sitting, and by this book you can likely jump to sections of interest more easily than when you're just starting out with the earlier volumes, but you're definitely leaving with a more solid foundation after going through it!
Where to buy?
Last I checked, you should be able to pick up Card College - Volume 3 at Amazon.
Contents of Card College - Volume 3
- Thanks! by Roberto Giobbi
- Foreword by Arturo de Ascanio
Words for Enthusiasts
- An Enticement to the Introduction
- Contents
- What Is in These Books?
- The Principle of Reading Satisfaction
- Principles Rather than Techniques
- The Study
- Trust
- Intellect, Intuition and Inspiration in Practice
- The Sensuality of Card Magic
- Gestalt
- What Else?
- The Prop as an Instrument
- Simplicity
- Selecting the Right Trick
- The Iceberg
- The Secret
Some Comments on Terminology
- Reactions to Date
- Absolute Versus Relative Frames of Reference
- Card College References
Chapter 28: Assorted Techniques and Refinements
- The Biddle Steal
- Counting Cards in a Fan
- Counting Cards while spreading them between the Hands
- Setting Multiple Key Cards
- The Spin Revelation and Display
- The Vanish of a Card
- The Bluff Cut
- Holding back a Card in the Card Case
- The Transfer Move
- The K. M. Move
- The Vernon Addition
- The Invisible Card
- The Four Seasons
Chapter 29: Techniques with Breaks, Steps and Injogs
- The Dribble Break
- The Crocodile Technique
- Transferring a Break from the little Finger to the Heel of the Thumb
- Inserting a Card into a Break
- The Erdnase Break
Techniques with the Step:
- Ribbon Spread and Step
- A Spectator holds the Step
- Fan and Step
- The LePaul Automatic Jog-Control
- The Drop Jog
- The Diagonal Insertion and Fan
- An Injog Handling
- Injog and Step after the Cut
- General Reflections on Injogged Cards
Tricks with the Break, Step and Injog
- The Master Grip
- Remember and Forget
Chapter 30: Card Controls, Part 2
- The Convincing Control
- The Bluff Pass
- A Direct Overhand Shuffle Control
- The Logical Control
- The Spread Crimp
- The Bridge Control
- Refinements and Final Thoughts
- A Sure Bet
- Ambitious 1-2-3-4
Chapter 31: The Double Lift, Part 3
- The Push-over Double
- A Double Lift from the Center
- Small Packet Double Lift
- The Optical Replacement
- The Turnover Replacement
- The Vernon Replacement
- A Double Lift Finesse
- The Palindrome Cards
- The Time Machine
- Rise and Switch
Chapter 32: False Display Counts, Part 2
- The Ascanio Spread
- The Ascanio Spread Fan
- The Open Display
- The Olram Subtlety
- The Gemini Count
- The Over-count
- The Multiple-lift Display Sequence
- The Flushtration Count
- Displaying all the Cards as Identical
- The D'Amico Spread
- The Strasbourg Waltz
- Set-Reset Plus
- The Dance of the Cannibals
Chapter 33: Riffle Shuffle Techniques, Part 2
- The Zarrow Dynamic
- The Zarrow Shuffle
- The Direct Zarrow Shuffle
- The Pull-Through False Shuffle
- Vernon's Pull-through Shuffle Variant
- The Triumph Shuffle
- A Combination False Shuffle
- Controlling the Top Stock with a Riffle Shuffle
- A Combination False Shuffle and Cut
- The Block Transfer
- A red-black False Shuffle
- An In-the-hands False Shuffle
- Triumph
- Dad Stevens, King of the Card Cheats
Chapter 34: The Multiple Shift
- The Insertion of the Cards
- Swing Cut Multiple Shift
- Bluff Multiple Shift
- The Vernon Multiple Shift
- Cardini's Overhand Multiple Shift
- Carney's Natural Multiple Shift
- The Simple Shift
- The Tabled Multiple Shift
- The Vanishing Deck
Chapter 35: The Faro Shuffle
- The Partial Faro
- The Faro Slough-off
- The Perfect Faro
- The Incomplete Faro Control
- Faro Types
- The Mathematical Basis of the Perfect Faro Shuffle
- Mathematical Principles
- The Acrobatic Aces
- The Two Detectives
- Numerology
Chapter 36: Advanced Palming Techniques
- The One-handed Palm
- The Gambler's Cop
- Management Strategies for the Gambler's Cop
- Replacing Cards in Gambler's Cop under the Deck
- The Transfer Palm
- The Loewy Palm
- The Left-hand Bottom Palm
- The Right-hand Bottom Palm
- The Right-hand Bottom Palm of Multiple Cards
- Normal Houghton's Pocket Extraction
- Producing a Card from Your Inner Left Jacket-pocket
- Producing a Card from Your Inner Right Jacket-pocket
- Replacing Palmed Cards on the Bottom of the Deck
- The Card in the Glass
- The Open Prediction
Chapter 37: Color Changes
- The Side-slip Color Change
- The Slap Change
- The Wave Change
- The Houdini Color Change
- The Flip-flop Change
- The Fadeaway Card Change
- Final Thoughts
- Through and Through
- Holy Smoke!
Chapter 38: The Side Steal and Diagonal Palm Shift
- The Side-steal Transfer
- Covers for the Side Steal
- The Side-steal Bottom Placement and Variations
- The Side-steal Palm
- The Simplified Side-Steal Palm
- The Diagonal Palm shift
- The Convincing Control Palm
- Picnick at the Summit
- The Return of the Phantom
Bibliographic Notes
ISBN: 0-945296-22-3