Dai Vernon's More Inner Secrets of Card Magic

The second book in Vernon's famous Inner Secrets of Card Magic series.
This short volume is action-packed with great routines, starting off with one of my favorite packet tricks Twisting the Aces. Sleight of hand is covered in a few different chapters, all of them if you include the chapters devoted directly to routines, but the coverage of magic with the riffle shuffle is pretty extensive. And we can't leave without mentioning The Trick that Cannot Be Explained -- it's one you'll have to read for yourself!
While we don't hear directly from Vernon within these pages, we very much do get a glimpse at the level of mastery he had in card magic.
And please do not forget -- remember, do not forget -- sleights and methods are merely the tools. What you do with them is up to you.
Where to buy?
Last I checked, you should be able to pick up Dai Vernon's More Inner Secrets of Card Magic at Amazon.
Contents of Dai Vernon's More Inner Secrets of Card Magic
- Introduction by Lewis Ganson
Chapter One - Twisting the Aces
Chapter Two - Think of a Card
- Simple Arithmetic
- Riffled Thought
- Think of an Ace
- Out of Sight - Out of Mind
- Thought Transposed
Chapter Three - Oil and Water
Chapter Four - McDonald's $100 Routine
Chapter Five - The Notis Cascade
Chapter Six - Mainly Manipulation
- Allen Shaw's Card Production
- Cardini's Card Production
- Mosquito Parade
Chapter Seven - Magic with the Riffle Shuffle
- Basic Formation of a Step
- The Pull Through Shuffle
- The Pull Out Shuffle
- Retaining the Top Stock
- Zarrow Full Deck Control
- Side Riffle Cut
- Transferring a Bottom Stock to the Top
- Reversal of Bottom Cards
- To Keep the Colours Separated
- To Bring Cards to the Top
Chapter Eight - Crimps
- Top Card Crimp
- Corner Crimp
- Whole Pack Crimp
- Cut Crimp
- Spring Crimp
- Mexican Joe's Crimp
- Snap Crimp
Chapter Nine - Cards to Pocket
Chapter Ten - Forcing a Card
- The Classic Force
- The Malini Force
- Riffle Force
- Fan Force
- Back to Back Force
Chapter Eleven - The Trick That Cannot be Explained
Chapter Twelve - Vernon Touches
- The Vernon Glide
- The Push-Off Count
- The Buckle Count