
Far-Os, the perfect deck to join the breakfast table. After all, they do say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and when you're in a rush, cereal's always your friend!
This deck is printed on premium crushed stock by USPCC and features a fun cereal theme throughout. The tuck itself mimics a mini cereal box, complete with a nutrition label on the back and everything!

The back design is fun, a splash of milk with a few O's in the middle. It's fluid, pun not intended, and meshes quite well for fans and cardistry moves alike. It's not too crazy to be unaccepted as a design usable in magic either, so that's a huge plus.
The faces are great too. Custom courts, enjoying their breakfast staples. I'm not going to lie, these things are very well done. The Jack of Clubs though, I can't figure out what he's holding =P

The blue and... wheat yellow color scheme is carried throughout the deck's design too. But my favorite part is the 4 of Clubs reveal on the Joker. It looks fantastic!
The deck consists of 56 cards:
- 52 playing cards
- Two non-identical jokers
- One double backer
- One duplicate 4 of Clubs
Where to buy?
I checked for Far-Os recently and it was out of stock. You can still check out the product page at Riffle Shuffle to make sure though.