It's Monday and you know what that means... Monday Mail Call!
Each Monday (give or take), I use this feature to highlight a few of the things that have made their way in over the past week or so. Packages, purchases, and emails -- oh my!
If you saw my post from last week, you'll know I had gripes with getting the April edition of Genii a few weeks late. Well, subscribers just received an email that May's issue will be late too due to staffing and a dead computer. Staffing shortages I can understand... but a single dead computer? I would love to hear more about this story!
For things that did arrive on time though, wow do they tip the scales.
First up, The Books of Wonder Volume 1 and Volume 2! This set is yet another example of however deeply immersed I seem to become in the world of magic, the deeper the field seems to go. I've never heard of Tommy Wonder, and yet when these books came across my list and I did a little research, the guy's absolutely everywhere and everyone seems to love his work.
I've only opened the wrapping of Volume 1 so far and thumbed through it, it looks amazing so far. Dense, and full of at least a few very tedious-to-prepare routines, but amazing. I'm still in the process of reading a few other books at this exact time, and I have one or two more in my queue to read so these will have to join in the line, but I'm excited to see what wonder they bring.
Next up is a book that fell into my lap. Rather, I came across it by pure happenstance -- if it fell into my lap, I'm certain it would hurt. Harry Lorayne's Apocalypse Vol. 4!
A coworker was sitting on two of these and asked our magic group if anyone was interested. At first, I wasn't because I have a decent number of individual issues of Apocalypse. And then I brought out the binder that's full of them and noticed that I don't have any from Volume 4! And so, for only the cost of shipping, I now own this incredibly heavy tome. I'm not going to lie but I may have skipped a little of my reading queue to flip through this for an afternoon. Hot damn, it has some treasure let me tell you!
This isn't going to be the kind of book I read cover-to-cover though. I'm going to skim it and flag card sleights and effects for quick reference, but overall, I think that's what it will become -- a reference book. And honestly, that's just fine!
Then again, there's so much content here from so many different magicians that it might be worthwhile to do a review and/or performance of each. Or at least, individual pieces that are interesting looking. I'll have to think about that...
Books! 3 new books, can you believe it?! They weigh a ton, but the info inside of them is even heavier! In a good way, of course.
Stay tuned for the next iteration of Monday Mail Call, there's a lot more to come!
Oh also, if you'd like to offer suggestions for books, tricks, decks or if you have questions about magic (performing, routines, sleights, etc.), just reach out here.