Modern Coin Magic

J. B. Bobo’s Modern Coin Magic is a seminal guide to the art of coin manipulation and sleight of hand. First published in 1952, this comprehensive resource remains a cornerstone for magicians of all skill levels, from hobbyists to seasoned professionals. Widely regarded as the definitive work on coin magic, it offers a deep dive into a vast array of techniques, tricks, and routines, making it indispensable for those looking to master this branch of magic.
The book’s structure is both systematic and engaging, starting with foundational techniques such as palming and switches before advancing to intricate routines and effects. It meticulously explains each move with clarity, often accompanied by illustrations that enhance the reader’s understanding of the mechanics involved. Among the highlights are detailed explanations of classic coin sleights, such as the French Drop and Coin Vanish, as well as advanced tricks like Copper and Silver effects and the Coin in Bottle.
What sets Modern Coin Magic apart is its accessibility and practicality. Bobo provides not just the technical instructions but also insights into performance, presentation, and misdirection. These elements help elevate mere technique into a true art form. The book is more than a collection of tricks; it’s a toolkit for creating seamless, memorable magic with coins.
Whether you’re exploring coin magic for the first time or refining your existing repertoire, Modern Coin Magic is an essential addition to any magician’s library. Its timeless content and thorough approach ensure that this classic text will continue to inspire and educate generations of magicians.
Contents of Modern Coin Magic
Prologue -- Of Coins and Conjuring
Scot On Monie, 1584
I Coin Concealments: Palms, Holds, Clips
- The Classic Palm
- The Edge Palm
- The Thumb Palm
- The Downs Palm
- The Finger Palm
- The Front Finger Hold
- The Back Palm
- The Back Finger Clip
- The Back Thumb Palm
II Basic Technique: Switches, Flips, Change-Over, Steals
- The Bobo Switch
- Utility Switch
- One-Hand Switch
- Shaw-Judah Coin Switch
- The Click Pass (3 methods)
- The Coin Flip
- Change-Over Pass
- The Bottom Steal
- Producing a Coin from a Spectator's Clothing
- Taking Advantage of a Fumble (3 methods)
III Coin Vanishes
- Standard Vanish
- Simple Vanish
- Over the Top
- The Tunnel Vanish
- Thumb Palm Vanish
- The Drop Vanish
- The Bobo Coin Vanish
- The Slide Vanish
- The Illusive Coin Pass
- A Coin Vanish
- The Pinch Vanish
- Gone
- The New Era Coin Go
- The Flyaway Coin
- Behind the Back
- The French Drop
- The Reverse French Drop
- The Elusive Silver Dollar
- The Wrist Watch Vanish
- The Pulse Trick
- The Cranium Vanish
- Vanish with the Aid of a Handkerchief
- The "Heads and Tails" Vanish
- Vanish for Several Coins
- A Trio of Vanishes
IV Complete Coin Vanishes: Palm, Pocket, Sucker, Hanks, Envelope
- The Bobo Complete Coin Vanish
- Complete Thumb Palm Vanish
- Knee-zy Vanish
- Sucker Vanish
- Pocket Vanish
- With a Handkerchief (3 methods)
- In a Spectator's Pocket (3 methods)
- Bluff Vanish
- Sucker Bluff Vanish
- The Coin Fold
- The Envelope Vanish
V Quick Tricks: 27 Tricks
- Through the Leg (2 methods)
- Rubbed Through the Leg
- Through the Pocket (3 methods)
- Through the Hand (3 methods)
- Through a Handkerchief (2 methods)
- Double Penetration
- Pants Leg Miracle
- Half Dollar to a Quarter
- The Charmed Coin
- The Coin of Metamorphosis
- Coin to Key
- Change for a Half
- Much from Little
- The Topsy Turvey Coins
- The Impromptu Mint
- Smart Coin Trick
- The Switchover
- The Appearing Half
- Coin Production from Two Cards
- The Touch of Midas
- One to Four
- One to Six
VI Cuffing
- Dr. E. M. Roberts' Method
- Louis Tannen's Method
VII The Art of Sleeving
- Some observations on the subject
- Delayed Action Sleeving
- Improved Method
- The "Pumpkin Seed" Vanish
- Reverse "Pumpkin Seed" Vanish
- The Catapult
- Judah Method
- A Unique Sleeving Move
- The Throw
- Kort Method
- Kirk Stiles Method
- A Method of Sleeving One of Several Coins
- Dr. E. M. Roberts' Method
- Loading
- Switching
- The Sleeve Pocket
- Penetration
- Migration
- Transposition
- Devaluation
- Inflation
- Transformation
- Variation
- Dime and Penny for the Wiseacre
- A Novel Vanish and Reproduction
- The Vagabond Coins
- Splitting the Atom
- Change for a Dollar
- The Stratosphere Quarters
- The World's Fastest Coin Vanish and Reproduction
- Die to Dime
- Almost a Transposition (3 methods)
VIII Coins Across
- Copper and Silver Transposition (4 methods)
- Guess Which Hand
- Quarter and Half Dollar Transposition
- The Curious Nickel
- Two Pennies on the Leg
- The Inseparable Pair
- Coins in the Teeth
- The Drop Pass
- The Hippity Hop Half
- Rapid Transit
- Winged Silver (3 versions)
- The Flying Eagles
- Variation
- Three and Three
- Chinese Money Mystery
- Drobina's Coin Routine
- Four Coins to a Glass (2 versions)
- The Traveling Centavos
- Miracle Coins to the Pocket
IX Coin Classics: 34 Tricks
- Coin Through a Ring (2 methods)
- Silver or Copper Extraction (3 methods)
- Copper PEnetration
- The Expansion of Texture-Expanded!
- The Gadabout Coins
- The Three Coin Trick (3 methods)
- The Bent Penny
- Silver Extraction
- The Ghost of a Coin (2 methods)
- Coins Through the Table (4 versions)
- Magical Filtration of Four Half Dollars
- The Sympathetic Coins (several versions)
- The Changing Change
- The Coin Roll
- The Downs Coin Star
- Roll Down Flourish with Four Coins
- Downs Eureka Pass
- "Eureka" Routine
- Rattle Box Routine
- Thieves and Sheep
- Just Pretend
- The Free and Unlimited Coinage of Silver
- Coins and Cards
X Coin Boxes
- The Okito Coin Box
- One Hand Method
- Hand to Hand Throw
- Coins Through Box and the Hand
- Okito Box, Coin and Handkerchief
- Ruotine with an Okito Coin Box and a Silk
- Silver to Copper with the Okito Coin Box
- The Half Dollars and the Okito Box
- The George Boston Combination Coin Box (and 2 tricks therewith)
- The German Coin Box
- The Paul Fox Coin Boxes (and 3 tricks therewith)
XI Trick Coin Trickery: 27 Tricks
- Squeeze Play
- Jimmy Valentine Picks a Lock
- Money Paper
- Almost a Transposition
- The Homing Coins
- The Circus Trick
- The 16¢ Vanish
- 85¢ Through the Table
- Copper and Silver Transposition (4 methods)
- Presto Change
- The Inferior Coin
- Thieves and Sheep
- In and Out
- Up Their Sleeve
- Buddha's Coin
- The Stack of Quarters (2 versions)
- The Hook Coin
- The Magnet
- Nickel to Half Dollar
- Liberty Head Half and U.S. Penny
- The Ring Coin
- Short Changed
- The Marksman
- The Squirting Nickel
XII Shell and Folding Half: 18 Tricks
- The Shell Half
- Mystery With a Half Shell
- How to Make Money
- Three Questions
- Coin Through a Glass
- Perfected Coin Through Handkerchief
- 25¢ and 50¢ Transposition
- The Peregrinating Halves
- Coins Through the Table
- The Protean Coin
- The Sympathetic Coins
- The Modern Miser
- The Folding Half
- The Half Dollar in the Bottle (2 versions)
- The Magic Mint
- Biting a Piece From a Coin (2 versions)
- Coin Through a Card
XIII Stage Coin Magic: 5 Tricks
- A Comedy Coin Routine
- Coin the Banana
- Coin the Ball of Wool and Nest of Bxoes
- Flight Three
XIV The Miser's Dream: Robert-Houdin, Downs, Harrison, Whitford
- Versions of Roubert-Houdin, T. Nelson Downs, et al.
- Glenn Harrison Version
- M. S. Whitford Version
- A Miser's Dream Routine
- Perpetual Coins
XV The Stanley Collins Section
- T. Nelson Downs
- William J. Hilliar
- L'Homme Masque
- Allan Shaw
- Owen Clark
- Charles Morritt
- The Purse Trick
- Three Coin Monte
- The Jumping Sixpence
- The Esscee Half Crown and Wafers Trick
- Two Heads and a Tail
- The Esscee Front and Back Manipulation
XVI Routines: 18 Routined Coin Acts