Okay, so, the title's slightly misleading. It's not an entire summer vacation, but it's a short one during the summer. I'm off to Europe for a little bit, going to see some sights and enjoy some food, more sights, and hopefully more food.
In the off-chance that I'll have leisurely time while there, which is most likely in the airports to and from, I'm bringing two books: Scarne on Card Tricks and The FFFF Book. Scarne because, well, it's a classic and I haven't gone through it yet. FFFF because, I mean come on.
Well, that's about it. A short one today folks, and I'll be skipping my post on Thursday this week to enjoy the break. I'll be back next week though =]
I leave you with the question of: if you were taking a trip and knew you'd have time to read, what would you take with you?