It's Monday and you know what that means... Monday Mail Call!
Each Monday (give or take), I use this feature to highlight a few of the things that have made their way in over the past week or so. Packages, purchases, and emails -- oh my!
First up is technically a list of things. I've been slacking when it comes to adding new decks I've received to the site's library, and really slacking when it comes to simply mentioning them here during Mail Call. Between Kickstarter campaigns, subscriptions, and regular binge ordering, from the last 2 months I have exactly 54 new decks sitting on my desk, unopened. That doesn't include the 2 unopened bricks sitting on the floor off to the side and the 6 or so decks I put in the closet. Yikes!
I'm not going to hit you with a wall-of-text that lists everything that came in (though I will try to provide weekly updates more efficiently). However, a few of the highlights that I received:
- Mantecore Playing Cards v3: Mantecoremmunity
- Cactus Playing Cards - Pink Quartz
- Black Roses Playing Cards: Edelrot Edition
- Sketch & Draft Bicycle Playing Cards
- Riffle Shuffle Brick of the Month - October
There were two other Kickstarters and a handful of random orders too. The Riffle Shuffle Brick of the Month contained 2 duplicate decks, so technically it is only 10 unique decks. However, the actual haul from this brick was well worth the price -- if I had known about half of the decks, I would have bought them at regular price but the fact that I got them for half-off is amazing! Sure, I can't buy decks for another month or two now because I'm broke, but amazing nonetheless =P
Up next is an email from Vanishing Inc titled Our biggest download ever…
The email itself mentions it's a new download that features the work of David Regal. 7 hours of David, no less! I was excited to check it out, so I clicked it, and it took me to the product page with a big ol' "Add to Cart" button. I almost smashed the button right away when I saw that the download was on sale for $50 (normally $75). But then logic kicked in...
If it was "normally" $75, then it isn't new? I started reading more and realized that this isn't a new download, it's David's Masterclass from 2020. I've already watched this Masterclass. Twice! I own it, and it's in my Vanishing Inc account. The same account that they sent that email to. The same account that has it available in the Downloads & Lectures section.
VI, I can understand that marketing emails just blast out to everyone so I can forgive that (though it doesn't take very much code to only send it to those who don't have it), but having a giant "Add to Cart" button on a video download that's already in my account? I have 62 videos in my account right now (way, way more if you include the multiple videos in each Masterclass and other bundles) ... sometimes, I forget -- it would be really nice if your website changed the "Add to Cart" button to something like "Watch now, because you already bought this ya doofus."
Last but not least, Penn & Teller: Fool Us Season 9's premier is this Friday, October 14th! The show's lineup for the first 2 episodes has been released too:
- Episode 1 will feature the magicians: Jon Mobley, the Van Hargen Twins, Axel Adler, and Chris Canfield
- Episode 2 is named "Sleight of Foot" and features Theron Christensen, Jaana Felicitas, Benjamin Barnes, and Brian Curry
I say that the info has been "released", but it's just that the show's information hit the cable listings. I'm not 100% sure if Episode 1 has a unique name or not, I don't see it anywhere, but it'll probably be more clear come Friday. I'll be traveling Friday night, so I'll have to catch up on the episode over the weekend, I hope it's a good one!
So yeah... a lot of decks lately. I really haven't bought many recently, it's mostly Kickstarter campaign rewards coming in -- some that I've been waiting months for. I don't plan on buying many more decks either, I have too many as it is and can't get through them all. I'll probably start giving them away (or selling some of the more-fancy ones) because I'm legitimately out of space to store them. We'll see though =]
Stay tuned for the next iteration of Monday Mail Call, there's a lot more to come!
Oh also, if you'd like to offer suggestions for books, tricks, decks or if you have questions about magic (performing, routines, sleights, etc.), just reach out here.