It's Monday and you know what that means... Monday Mail Call!
Each Monday (give or take), I use this feature to highlight a few of the things that have made their way in over the past week or so. Packages, purchases, and emails -- oh my!
That said, it's actually been a little while since my previous one. About a month, in fact. Why so long of a delay? Well, I got a new job and a puppy! I guess the puppy could be considered a delivery... or a handful. Either one =P
Unseen Force Pro, a trick / gimmick from TCC via a Kickstarter campaign, got delivered recently. I remembered the name of it ever since the campaign ran, but I completely forgot what the actual device itself was or was used for. When I opened it, whoa was I surprised! I had a general idea of how to use it by looking at it, but that was thrown out of the window once I started watching the tutorial. I haven't done anything with it yet and it may be a bit of time before I do (mostly because I don't wear many collared shirts), but I do want to practice with it because there looks to be some pretty cool effects that can be done with it!
The Frame, also from that same Kickstarter campaign by TCC, arrived. I haven't opened it yet or read (or watched) any instructions, but I do remember distinctly that it's a pendant on a necklace that can be used to impossibly connect a ring to it. I want to prefix this with the fact that I don't perform any ring magic. However, a month or two ago I bought Laced Up (by Donnovan Mount) and Nest of Wallets (by Nick Einhorn & Alan Wong) -- both with the purpose of expanding beyond card magic and into something that could be done casually in any environment. Rings happen to exist just about everywhere, ergo the different tricks. I like the idea of impossibly attaching a ring to my necklace -- or shoe laces -- and then it vanishes, only to be found buried within a few nested wallets! Quick, easy, multiple effects -- what's not to like?
A few books also made their way onto my desk this past week. I say desk and not shelf (or shelves) because those are all filled up and small piles of books have started accumulating... so that's fun.
Here are the books that have arrived:
- Karl Norman - 40 Years at the Forks by Anthony Brahams and Mike Porstmann
- Secrets Draun from Underground by Richard Kaufman
- The Chronicles by Karl Fulves
- Seven Thoughts by Sungwon Kim
I'll be going through each in time, but for now they're still just sitting here. If you have any recommendations on which to dive into first though, I'm all ears =]
Two new tricks and a handful of books that each teach sleights and tricks to keep me busy for quite a while! What a time to be alive (^_^)
Stay tuned for the next iteration of Monday Mail Call, there's a lot more to come!
Oh also, if you'd like to offer suggestions for books, tricks, decks or if you have questions about magic (performing, routines, sleights, etc.), just reach out here.