At the beginning of October, Felix from VULPINE Creations (www.vulpinecreations.com) sent an email out to their mailing list. It was a long one, but here's the line that was most important:
After careful consideration, we've made the difficult decision to close VULPINE Creations by the end of this year.
We're in mid-November now, so that's about a month and a half left. No exact date was given, but "by the end of this year" is specific enough to give a cut-off.
They gave a coupon code of #THANKYOU2024 that provides 70% off your entire cart! I don't know if the code is still active, but I jumped on that one in a heartbeat and finally grabbed Amazing Coffee Cups and Beans, a trick that I've drooled over since I saw it released (but $250 was way too much for my wallet). I also tossed in Conjuring Cards and Gaff Lighter Project, the latter of which is already sold out.
My package arrived, I think it was maybe a week ago now? I still haven't taken the coffee cups out of the packaging yet, but I've been all over the Gaff Lighter Project. If you're not familiar with it, it's basically a "color changing knives" routine, but with lighters. I don't do any knife work, but I've always understood the basic principal -- which I've called the "paddle principal" (I'm sure it has a more technical or magician name, but that's what I go with =P).
I also don't do work with lighters... however, I have a few tricks where I used matches, and two voodoo-themed tricks where I do actually need to use a lighter to light something on fire, so I think that this is a good extension to those.
Anyways, I just wanted to help spread the word that VULPINE Creations is shutting down. I'm not sure why, I didn't ask; but grab it while it's hot folks! Or... while it's available, at least.