Card Man Stuff

Card Man Stuff is a sequel to the very popular For Card Men Only, also by Al Leech.
This booklet may seem small compared to many of the large books that are released nowadays, but it has good material on every page. There are routines to fool laymen, and routines to fool magicians too.
You won't get to know the author very much, given the brevity of the material, but you should come away with a decent amount of practice ahead of you!
Contents of Card Man Stuff
- Quad Reverse
- Eight Card Transposition
- Aces Red and Black
- Ace Sandwich
- A Suspicious Move
- Spots to Spare
- Ace, Deuce, Trey
- Surprise Monte
- Peek Reverse
- The Black Jacks
- A Quick Theft
- Card Case Conjuration
- The Sandwich Deal
- A Reverse Discovery
- A Double Coincidence
This book is written by and featuring the work of Al Leech. Mine is a staple-bound copy published in 1953 by Magic, Inc., printed in 1976 (third edition) with a total of 24 pages.