For Card Men Only

For Card Men Only was Al Leech's first book on card magic. Today, the author needs no introduction and this booklet helped start it all.
It contains over a dozen visual card effects that have easy to follow plots but leave the spectator surprised to the very end. While these routines are over 70 years old, the form the basis of a lot of routines that are coming out in print still to this day.
If you're looking for something a little more advanced and influential, you'll want to give this booklet a read!
Contents of For Card Men Only
- Preface by Al Leech
- Ace King Transposition
- Ace-King Turnover
- Aces Up
- The Influential Ace
- Elusive Jacks
- Ace Elimination
- A Transposition
- Super Ace Control
- Turnover Divination
- An Ambitious Card Climax
- Simplified Poker Deal
- Double Deuce
- A Simple Card Control
- Transposition Extraordinary
- A Quick Opener
- Double Deck Transpo
This book is written by and featuring the work of Al Leech. Mine is a staple-bound copy published in 1949 by Magic, Inc. with a total of 30 pages.